Page 33 - Rosenow Frank "Seagoing knots"
P. 33


                             THEIR ORIGINS

        The name of a knot is often an enigma well worth unraveling. You have the
           square knot, which is named after a near physical parallel, as it is a square
           knot. You have the identical reef knot, which is so called because it’s useful
           in tying in a reef.

              In Scandinavia, neither form is current. Rather, it is consistently called a
              Ra stands for a yard aloft to which a square sail is bent.
              Band means a strap.
              Knop is an ancient Scandinavian word from which the English word
           knot is derived.
              So deciphered, you have a name descriptive of another long-established
           use, that of securing a square sail to a yard by means of a strap or line.
              In German, on the other hand, you have most commonly the name
           “kreuzknoten” which like square knot reaches for a physical parallel,
           though less successfully: Kreuz means cross.
              Do not infer from this that nautical language is a Babel of tongues;
           rather, it can be seafarers’ esperanto. Witness another descriptive phrase:

              English Scandinavian German
              Round turn Rundtorn Rundtom

              It would be nice if all knot names were descriptive of origin and use, like
           in the “studdingsail halyard bend,” a name which compresses all you
           would ever want to know about the knot into three words. Or, if at least
           the name conjured up a resemblance, as in the figure eight knot. Both
           types of naming are useful, the first making you understand the knot and

           the second helping you to remember it.

                                  KNOT NAMES AND THEIR ORIGINS
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