Page 36 - Rosenow Frank "Seagoing knots"
P. 36


                                                                               FfcAPf’WO         whipping
                                                                               AC izp5 5

                  In communicating about knots it is also useful to know the exact mean¬
               ing of terms like bight and standing part. Consult the drawings. As a whip¬
               ping is often confused with a seizing I’ve added some drawings clearing up
               that point.
                  I also want to clarify the terms belay and make fast, most often used
               when tying a line to a cleat with figure eight turns secured with a final

                  Belay means to secure the rope with figure eight turns.
                  Make fast means to finish off with the single hitch.
                  The distinction is valuable if you are being hoisted to the top of the mast
                and in one or two unmistakable words want to tell the people down by the
               winch that you need a momentary pause (belay there) or want to stay
               where you are (make fast—which should be taken to include the process of
                   It is also very useful when several people without an intuitive under¬
                standing are mooring a boat.

                                                  SEAGOING KNOTS
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