Page 61 - Rosenow Frank "Seagoing knots"
P. 61

human powers. The kitchen knife purchased at Izmir came out and we cut
         loose and cleared out, blessing the locals with another CQR.
            Some time later, entering Heraklion harbor on Crete before a foaming

         nor’easter, a trabaccoli man took our line and tied it at an angle to a con¬
         venient hawser, introducing me to the rolling hitch.
            If I had had the pleasure before Nisiros, the anchor would still be with
            The rolling hitch happily ties at an angle to another line and, unless very
         slippery cordage is involved, holds tenaciously. Thus, a line jamming on a
         cleat or a sheet with overrides on a winch drum can quickly be relieved of
         strain and put to rights.
           A cruising man from Tolleshunt D’Arcy in England, Michael Vinni-
        combe, told me it was his favorite knot when we bumped into each other
        one stormy night in Dover harbor.

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