Page 62 - Rosenow Frank "Seagoing knots"
P. 62
“I use it to attach my anchor light to the forestay and have found no
other knot that will do it,” he said. Mr. Vinnicombe’s high opinion is no
doubt justified, especially as the knot ties simply and well.
When a rolling hitch is secured to another rope as in the drawing of how
the Nisiros situation could have been handled, the second turn taken with
the end is jammed inside the first. This creates an override which prevents
the knot from sliding sideways.
If tied without this jamming override, the knot can be used as a tie but
may well slide.
The rolling hitch is sometimes called a clove hitch with an extra turn.
The Italians even have this idea incorporated in the naming of the knots,
calling the clove hitch a “nodo parlato” and the rolling hitch a ‘‘doppio
parlato.” “Nodo” means knot and “doppio” double. Where the “parlato,”
or talking, comes in I cannot say.