P. 22


       E A Underwood

                                                                   ISBN 978-1-83574-045-3

                                                                   9 7 8 1 8 3 5 7 4 0 4 5 3
                                                                 Publication:   27  SEPTEMBER 2024
                                                                 ISBN:           9781835740453
                                                                 Price:          £9.99
                                                                 Binding:        Paperback

                                                                 Format:         198 x 129 mm
                                                                 Extent:         352 pp
                                                                 Thema:          FV Historical Fiction

                                                                 Author location & book location: Somerset

                                                                    •  Isles  of  the  Earthbound  is  an  exciting  and
                                                                        mystical tale that follows a group of seafarers
                                                                        from the West Coast of Scotland has made a
                                                                        voyage of discovery deep into the Atlantic to a
                                                                        land they name Tìr- ùr
                                                                    •  Inspired by, and broadly based upon, various
                                                                        areas of the West of England: river estuaries,
                                                                        the  moorland  uplands  of  Dartmoor  and
                                                                        Exmoor and the caves of the Mendip Hills.
                                                                    •  Perfect  for  fans  of  Rosie  Hewlett  and  Lucy

         E A Underwood lives on a smallholding in the Blackdown Hills in   Circa 500 AD. Daring seafarers from the West Coast of
         Somerset.  When  not  writing  stories  or  growing  food,  she  can  be   Scotland have made a voyage of discovery deep into the
         found wandering along rivers, across the moors, in the woods or by   Atlantic  to  a  land  they  name  Tìr-ùr.  Bountiful,  verdant,
         the sea. Always fascinated by stories of mythical lands, Isles of the   seemingly empty and ripe for the taking. That is until they
         Earthbound is her first novel and the result of musings on what might   encounter  the  earthbound,  a  race  possessed  of  some
         have happened if our ancestors had discovered such a place.   characteristics the colonists find profoundly unsettling.

                                                                 Off the coast  of  this  new  land,  on  the  fortress  island  of
                                                                 Tèarmann, a young woman, Fìrinn, awaits her arranged
                                                                 marriage to Amrhan, a charming and fascinating nobleman
                                                                 newly arrived from the distant homeland. The only child of
                                                                 the leader of the settlers and his earthbound wife, Fìrinn is
         Sales: Star Book Sales LLP                              unsure of her place in the world. When she discovers some
         T: 01404 515050                                         disturbing truths about her husband-to-be, she is compelled
         E:                          to flee Tèarmann, seeking refuge with her mother’s people.

         Orders: Troubador Publishing                             Isles  of  the  Earthbound  is  the  story  of  a  defiant  young
         0116 279 2299                                           woman forced to make crucial choices, but also a powerful
                                                                 evocation of the natural world in all its aspects, both the
         Prices and specifications are provisional and are subject to change   joyful and the terrible.
         without notice.           12/04/2024
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