P. 24


       Colin Wade

                                                                   ISBN 978-1-83574-047-7

                                                                   9 7 8 1 8 3 5 7 4 0 4 7 7
                                                                 Publication:   27  SEPTEMBER 2024
                                                                 ISBN:           9781835740477
                                                                 Price:          £9.99
                                                                 Binding:        Paperback

                                                                 Format:         198 x 129 mm
                                                                 Extent:         304 pp
                                                                 Thema:          FF Crime

                                                                 Author location: Oxford
                                                                 Comparative title: 9781915853257 Devils Code

                                                                    •  The  sixth  novel  by  established  crime  and
                                                                        thriller writer Colin Wade.
                                                                    •  Set  in  present  day,  Murder  at  the  Manor  is
                                                                        gripping murder mystery following DCI Taylor
                                                                        as  she  attempts  to  solve  the  death  of  a
                                                                        Cotswold hotel guest.
                                                                    •  Perfect for readers of crime and mystery.

                                                                 The  Cotswold  Manor  Hotel  welcomes  an  eclectic  mix  of
                                                                 guests, and on one fateful Friday evening, two witnesses
         Colin Wade is an author of crime and murder mystery thrillers. He   overhear an argument in a neighbouring room, followed by
         has been writing since 2016 and has published five previous books:   a loud thud. The next morning, the maid discovers the room
         The Lost Years in 2019, Plutus in 2020, Deadly Connections in 2021,   has been vacated; all that remains is a dried bloodstain on
         The Sins of the Father in 2022 and The Devil’s Code in 2023.   the carpet.

                                                                 Detective Chief Inspector Chloe Taylor attends the scene,
                                                                 and soon after, a body is discovered in the lake on the hotel
                                                                 grounds, launching a murder inquiry. It soon becomes clear
                                                                 that the case is much bigger than she initially thought when
                                                                 one  of  her  key  suspects  is  linked  to  a  terrorism
                                                                 investigation.  A  DCI  from  the  Counter  Terrorism  Unit  is
                                                                 quickly assigned to work alongside her.

                                                                 As the investigation progresses, they are confronted by lies
         Sales: Star Book Sales LLP
         T: 01404 515050                                         and  deceit,  suspicious  characters,  fake  identities,  and  a
         E:                          case that threatens to spiral out of control. As DCI Taylor
                                                                 wrestles with the murder case and the politics of working
         Orders: Troubador Publishing                            with  CTU,  the  mounting  pressure  leads  her  to  make                             impulsive  choices,  putting  her  own  life  at  risk.  Will  she
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                                                                 survive and solve the Murder at the Manor?
         Prices and specifications are provisional and are subject to change
         without notice.           03/05/2024
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