P. 28
J J Marr
ISBN 978-1-83574-051-4
9 7 8 1 8 3 5 7 4 0 5 1 4
Publication: 27 SEPTEMBER 2024
ISBN: 9781835740514
Price: £9.99
Binding: Paperback
Format: 216 x 138 mm
Extent: 288 pp
Thema: FBA Fiction
Author location: Ayr
• The Cards You’re Dealt is a dystopian novel of
personal identity and personal growth
following a young woman learning to navigate
a world designed to benefit so few.
• Inspired by the authors own journey of self-
discovery being a woman who came-of-age
later in life.
• Perfect for fans of Suzanna Colins, Veronica
Roth and Naomi Alderman.
“That’s the Game, Dante. That’s called winning.”
J.J. Marr is a Canadian-born, Scottish writer who travels the world
with Cirque du Soleil as a Props Technician. Her debut novel, The “It isn’t a game when the person who is losing can’t eat.”
Cards You’re Dealt, was inspired by her experiences growing up as In the Cassino Region, every adult is assigned their rank
a bisexual, working class woman in an ever-changing world. Now, through the drawing of a card from a standard deck. The
more than ever, Marr believes in using her voice and creativity to higher the drawn card, the higher the rank, meaning more
encourage thought and dialogue on the themes of classism and privileges and prospects in the Game.
feminine self-discovery.
Tessa Gamble, a born and raised Elite, was taught to
believe in the fairness of this system. However, she soon
learns that all is not as it seems. Why do the Elite stay Elite?
How do they benefit from a Game of their design?
Determined, Tessa decides to change the system that
Sales: Star Book Sales LLP benefits so few, or die trying, even if the powers that be
T: 01404 515050 need her to lose. She learns that you’re not only as good as
E: the cards you’re dealt; you just need to change the
Orders: Troubador Publishing Game.
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without notice. 12/04/2024