P. 30


       Nick Everard

                                                                   ISBN 978-1-83574-053-8

                                                                   9 7 8 1 8 3 5 7 4 0 5 3 8
                                                                 Publication:   27  SEPTEMBER 2024
                                                                 ISBN:           9781835740538
                                                                 Price:          £8.99
                                                                 Binding:        Paperback

                                                                 Format:         198 x 129 mm
                                                                 Extent:         200 pp
                                                                 Thema:          FF Crime

                                                                 Author location & book location: Leicestershire

                                                                 Comparative title: 9781915603739 Past Unbecoming

                                                                    •  Set  in  present  day,  Braybrooke  follows
                                                                        Richard Richard Rowland as he discovers the
                                                                        body  of  a  nearby farmer, igniting  a  gripping
                                                                        police investigation.
                                                                    •  A  contemporary  crime  novel  inspired  by  a
                                                                        murder that occurred in Braybrooke in 1932.
                                                                    •  The third crime-thriller novel from the author
                                                                        of Clean Kill and Past Unbecoming, published
         Nick Everard is a former Army Officer who has worked subsequently   by the Book Guild.
         in  the  City,  Schools  Adventure  Travel,  and  Executive
         Search/Recruitment. He is married to Kiki; for 25 years they have   While  out  walking  his  dogs  near  the  quiet  village  of
         lived in the village of Braybrooke, close to Market Harborough, and   Braybrooke,  Robert  Rowland  stumbles  upon  a  body,
         have two grown children. Nick became the Regimental Secretary   sparking  a  tangled  murder  investigation.  Initial  suspicion
         of The  Royal  Lancers  in  July  2021.  Braybrooke  is  his  third  crime   falls on the Traveller community, but as Robert and his wife
         thriller, following Clean Kill (2022) and Past Unbecoming (2023).   Lucy  are  drawn  into  the  case,  they  find  themselves
                                                                 entangled in a complex web of secrets and motives.

                                                                 Inspired  by a true  story,  Braybrooke  is  a riveting  tale  of
                                                                 deception and redemption, revealing the darkness beneath
                                                                 the village's serene façade.

         Sales: Star Book Sales LLP
         T: 01404 515050

         Orders: Troubador Publishing
         0116 279 2299

         Prices and specifications are provisional and are subject to change
         without notice.           24/05/2024
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