P. 67

RUSH 1973-1982 ON TRACK


       Richard James

                                                                   ISBN 978-1-78952-338-6

                                                                   9 7 8 1 7 8 9 5 2 3 3 8 6
                                                                 Publication:   27  SEPTEMBER 2024
                                                                 ISBN:           9781789523386
                                                                 Price:          £16.99
                                                                 Binding:        Paperback

                                                                 Format:         210 x 148 mm
                                                                 Extent:         144 pp
                                                                 Illustrated:  16 colour pages
                                                                 Thema:          AVLP Popular Music

                                                                 Comparative title: 9781789521894   Joe Jackson On Track

                                                                    •   A  band  with  a  massive  and  fanatical  following
                                                                        worldwide. No longer active following Neil Peart’s
                                                                        death in 2020
                                                                    •   The  period  when  the  band  had  its  greatest
                                                                        commercial  success  in  the  UK.  ‘Spirit  Of  Radio’
                                                                        was even a hit single! Beloved of both progressive
                                                                        rock and hard rock communities
                                                                    •   Three  top  10  albums  in  this  period:  Permanent
                                                                        Waves,  Signals  and  their  masterpiece  Moving

         Sonic Bond podcast at   Rush. In their own words, ‘The World’s Biggest Cult Band’, started
                                                                 from humble beginnings: three suburban teenagers. Alex Lifeson,
         Richard James immersed himself in music as soon as he got his   Geddy Lee, and John Rutsey formed a Led Zeppelin-influenced
         first real six-string at the age of ten. Previously chained to a desk for   trio, eventually scratching a living playing the bars and clubs of
         a living, he broke free, armed with a music degree from the Open   their native Toronto. A hard work ethic, no small amount of talent,
         University  and  a  Licentiate  Diploma  in  Classical  Guitar  from  the   and a slice of good fortune enabled their first, self-financed and
                                                                 distributed album to gain a foothold in the American market.
         Royal School of Music, and proceeded to roam the East Midlands as
         a  freelance  guitarist  and music teacher.  He lives  with  his  wife in      And  then,  on  the  eve  of  their  first  American  tour,  drummer
         Leicestershire, UK,  and  when  not  involved  with music,  he  enjoys   Rutsey quit. Fortune smiled on them again when auditions for a
         foreign travel and playing chess badly.                 replacement  shed  builder  produced  Neil  Peart,  who  could  not
                                                                 only drum like a demon but was adept at lyric writing. Sharing a
                                                                 love  of  the  then  emerging  progressive  rock  scene,  the  trio
                                                                 embarked on crafting a series of albums from the ‘second’ debut,
                                                                 Fly By Night, to the career-defining and best-selling masterpiece
         Sales: Star Book Sales LLP                              Moving Pictures; records which would secure them a permanent
         T: 01404 515050
         E:                          place in the rock hierarchy.

         Orders: Combined Book Services Ltd.                        This book reviews all these albums up to Signals, their 1982
         Email:                             release, which saw the band embracing keyboard technology and
         Phone: 01892 837171                                     severing their connections with long-time producer Terry Brown,
                                                                 the unofficial fourth member of the trio.
         Prices and specifications are provisional and are subject to change
         without notice.           10/04/2024
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