P. 68


       Alan     Byrne

                                                                   ISBN 978-1-78952-339-3

                                                                   9 7 8 1 7 8 9 5 2 3 3 9 3
                                                                 Publication:   27  SEPTEMBER 2024
                                                                 ISBN:           9781789523393
                                                                 Price:          £18.99
                                                                 Binding:        Paperback

                                                                 Format:         210 x 148 mm
                                                                 Extent:         208 pp
                                                                 Illustrated:  16 colour pages
                                                                 Thema:          AVLP Popular Music

                                                                 Comparative title: 9781789520644Thin Lizzy On Track

                                                                    •  Previously published but only in Ireland
                                                                    •  An enigmatic artist who still fascinates to this
                                                                        day.  The  subject  of  a  recent  BBC4
                                                                        documentary. He died in 1986.
                                                                    •  A  massive  rock  star  during  Thin  Lizzy’s
                                                                        heyday in the 70s and early 1980s

                                                                 "‘He was probably the most naturally talented person I've
                                                                 ever worked with.’ Will Reid Dick, Engineer on Jailbreak

         Sonic Bond podcast at   Philip Lynott: Renegade is the story of a pioneering Irish
                                                                 musician. From his early days on his beloved Dublin music
         Alan  Byrne  lives  in  County  Cork,  Ireland.  He  has  written  three   scene through the adventurous days of Thin Lizzy, the band
         volumes of biography about Thin Lizzy and Philip Lynott as part of   he led for thirteen years, Philip himself reveals in song the
         an ongoing Lizzy/Lynott series of projects.             ebb and flow of his public and private life.

                                                                    Once mainstream success came his way with Thin Lizzy's
                                                                 powerhouse Jailbreak album in 1976, his musical thirst only
                                                                 heightened, and this book also offers intimate insight into
                                                                 his  musical  experimentation  beyond  the  Thin  Lizzy

                                                                    The  very  subtle  solo  annexe  to  the  main  body  of  his
         Sales: Star Book Sales LLP                              recorded work with Thin Lizzy is often overlooked despite
         T: 01404 515050                                         being inhabited with lyrical depth, honesty and amusing but
         E:                          purposeful misdirection. From the slow burn of his rise with

         Orders: Combined Book Services Ltd.                     Thin Lizzy to the unfortunate and unnecessary outcome of
         Email:                             his  short  life,  Renegade  offers  a  vantage  point from the
         Phone: 01892 837171                                     people who were by his side through it all.

         Prices and specifications are provisional and are subject to change
         without notice.           10/04/2024
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