Page 66 - Jim Stone Book Beginner
P. 66
Multiple Player Activities
Number Activity Notes
Player 1 tosses or spins the ball to a defender
(Player 2) who digs the ball to a setter (Player Dig high to the 3m line, option is to
3), who then sets back to the attacker (Player have setter(s), who will set the dig
Coach hits crosscourt to a defender redirects Focus on platform management,
the ball to a setter, who sets to the coach. correct hand position for the forearm
D9 Coach can attack down the line or crosscourt. pass. Avoid bending elbows, redirect
Coach moves along the net so the setter must with shoulders.
locate and set accurately.
Coach attacks a ball to the defender, dig the Hips and forearms under the ball on
ball straight up, then set back to the coach the dig.
Same as above drill, defender will dig straight Move feet on the second contact, be
up, turns to backset to the coach. balanced
Three players in a line, coach hits to the first While moving laterally to dig the
player, to the left, shuffle and dig, return to attack, players must manage platform
end of the line. Next player goes right, next and hips to redirect the attack to the
player left, continuous dig and rotate. middle of the court.
Same as above, players run forward to defend
the roll shot, return to the end of the line.
D13 Players will make the effort to stay on their Focus on good running form, don‘t
feet and run thru the dig. Accelerate to the create passing platform too soon.
Coach will toss a set to an attacker who will Read the attackers shoulder, be in a
hit over the net to a defender(s). balanced defensive posture.
Begin to organize the backcourt
A coach will toss the ball to an attacker that defense, however, it is more important
will hit over the net to multiple defenders. that players pursue the ball without
fear of mistakes.