Page 21 - Fun Indonesian Language-Patrick Fiskhas Maranta
P. 21

5.   Each learning topic consists of two parts: the material and
                              the exercises. The material section contains the learning

                              content relevant to the topic.
                         6.   At  the  end,  learners  are  provided  with  two  forms  of

                              evaluation, namely enrichment. Completing the exercises

                              is  mandatory.  Meanwhile,  the  exercise  results  will  be
                              received by the BIPA instructor to monitor the learners’

                         7.   After completing each topic, learners will be presented
                              with several interesting facts about Yogyakarta related to

                              the learning topic.
                         To fully comprehend the taught learning topics, learners are

                  expected to complete the assignments at the end of each topic. The
                  exercises we provide are crucial and should be done. Do not expect to

                  become proficient in Indonesian language just by reading without
                  doing the exercises. By being active and diligently practicing, you can

                  enhance your skills effectively. The flipbook is self-paced, allowing
                  you to work on the exercises independently.

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