Page 17 - Ei Electronics Christmas Magazine 2024
P. 17
Sales & Marketing
• 2024 will finish on just above
€9M which was the target for
the year.
• The legislation ‘hangover’ from
2022 still lingered into the
beginning of 2024 however
signs are clear that the market is
back up and running with strong
orders in Q4 leading into Q1
• Hemmink had a clear direction
in 2024 of focussing on upselling
and best practice around data
driven maintenance. Hemmink
has actively developed its
Insights platform which is a
register of installed alarms using
the AudioLINK installation
Knowledge and training sessions
were delivered throughout
the year to various groups,
focussing mainly on landlords
and installers.
• The outlook for
2025 is positive
also with some
new products
on the horizon. Hemmink plans
to launch their Enduri Power
Relay which is a device that
uses the Ei3000MRF to interface
with door closers in Apartment
buildings. There is legislation
backing this and Hemmink sees
great potential for increased
sales of RF modules and Alarms
to meet the new requirements.
After some delays this year, the
HomeLINK platform and 4G
Gateway should be launched
early in 2025.
• Hemmink have sustainability at
the forefront of their thinking
and will launch a brand-new
suite of sustainable packaging
which will lead the way in
transforming how we offer our
products to the market. This will
also lead to similar initiatives in
other markets.
• The rest of the world markets will
finish around €5M for 2024, up
from €4.5M in 2023.
• The primary reason for growth is
the addition of new business in
the Middle East via JCI. These
products, which are the EiA660W
with JCI module, are being fitted
as part of the ‘Hassantuk’ Wireless
Fire system for villas in the UAE.
This system is monitored by the
Civil Defence and powered by
Etisalat, the largest mobile network
operator in the UAE. Resideo also
have some business in this area, and
this is transacted through the French
• The Finnish market via FSM is
set to finish around 15% ahead of
last year and the uplift is primarily
due to upcoming legislation
changes, in force in 2026, where
building owners and managers
are responsible for the smoke
alarms within the residential units.
This also applies to maintenance
Linked to this,
we have a
new customer
in Finland,
Safetum, who install the
Ei6500-OMS and offer yearly
maintenance contracts. This
business is transacted through the
German market due to the technical
nature of the sale, key portal
management etc.
• The rest of our business in the
Middle East is conducted through
our long-serving partner IMCI.
Sales are up 18% with strong
growth in the Ei600 series models.
These products are sold in larger
numbers in Singapore. There is
a huge level of price competition
in this fragmented market and the
influx of Chinese manufacturers
with new connectivity options will
further limit our ability to grow
• Norway and Belgium have seen a
downturn in business this year due
to strong competition with extreme
pricing pressure.
Outlook for 2025
• 2025 will see the launch of a range of Technology
Enabled Care (TEC) products, connecting
to the Gateway and integrating with a new
HomeLINK TEC solution platform.
• The Technology Enabled Care (TEC) market in
the UK is a significant area for future growth. In
the UK there are 1.7 million telecare users. With
an ageing population and limits on care offerings,
this number is increasing.
• The TEC market is currently transitioning from
analogue to digital connectivity, presenting
an ideal opportunity for entry into the market.
Revenue potential is an estimated £82m at 20%
market penetration.
• TEC hardware products will include OK and
NOK buttons plus a wearable pendant with built
in SOS button, fall detection and two-way speech.
Proactive elements will also be included via the
HomeLINK platform, along with unique ‘virtual
call centre’ dynamic call routing.
• Radon is a key focus area, with a new Radon
Sensor in development for launch in 2025. Radon
is the second highest cause of lung cancer behind
smoking, resulting in over 1,100 deaths per year
in the UK. There is strong demand from social
housing customers for monitoring solutions, with
an estimated 3.3m homes in excessive of the
Radon action level. Current offerings are limited,
providing an opportunity for Aico to launch a
Radon sensor as part of its expanding connected
home Gateway eco-system of products.
• The connected eco-system will be further
expanded with new Universal Input and
Temperature Clamp products. The Universal
Input will provide connectivity from external
devices into Aico’s HomeLINK connected
eco-system, including devices such as boiler low
pressure switches, sprinkler pump monitoring
devices and TEC pull cords. The Temperature
Clamp will allow monitoring of heating system
and water supply pipework, providing key insights
in the operation of residents heating and hot water
systems as well as Legionalla risks.
• Additionally, there will be new updated versions
of the Ei450 Alarm Controller, Ei170RF Kit for
Hard Of Hearing and Ei414 Fire and CO Alarm
• Training will continue to be a key focus, with a
further increase to the number of City and Guilds
training sessions being conducted at Aico head
office, along with the continued expansion of
Expert Installer training and the Aico Installer
Community Online. This will be further
progressed into new Gold and Platinum Standard
Aico Installer schemes.
• The overall economic view for the UK in 2025
remains cautious, with continuation of slow
economic growth. However, Aico is hopeful that
continued progression across all areas of the
business will result in a positive performance
for the year.
The Hemmink Team during their
knowledge sessions
The Enduri Power Relay
FSM Exhibition Stand