Page 31 - McCourt & Trudden Funeral Guide Final
P. 31

necessary part of your estate plan.                      A list of assets including:

         An ILIT will also permit you to direct the               1.  Real Estate
         disposition of your life insurance proceeds              2.  Bank and Brokerage Accounts
         in a  more specific manner than simply                   3.  Vehicles
         designating a beneficiary. Frequently,                   4.  Retirement Accounts
         our clients have their ILIT benefit their                5.  Annuities
         spouse during the spouse’s lifetime, and                 6.  Insurance Policies
         upon the death of the spouse, benefit the                7.  Valuable Collections
         children of their marriage. Since an ILIT is
         a trust, you can give specific directions in             The above documents and information
         your trust instrument as to how the assets               will assist your attorney in drafting the
         should be used, and protect the assets                   probate or administration petition for
         from your heirs’ potential creditors.                    your loved one’s estate. It is important to
                                                                  note that the IRS form 706 - the estate tax
         Estate Administration                                    return - must be filed within nine months
         The following documents should be                        of the death of the decedent (or within
         brought to your attorney after the demise                the six months extension window if one
         of a loved one:                                          is timely applied for).

         An original or certified copy of a death                 The probate or administration processes
         certificate (look for a raised seal)                     are formal judicial proceedings which
         1.  The original will (if any)                           take place in the decedent’s county’s
         2.  A funeral bill marked “Paid”                         Surrogate Court. If you are the nominated
         3.  A basic family tree with contact                     executor, or a person eligible to serve
             information for close relatives                      as administrator, you should consult
                                                                  with your attorney and provide the
                                                                  information and documents listed above.
                                                                  Your attorney will prepare the petition

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