Page 9 - McCourt & Trudden Funeral Guide Final
P. 9

television show with funeral scenes                  •  Honor, recognize and celebrate the
             may naturally prompt the discussion                      life of the deceased
             with your own loved ones. Talk about                 •  Allow friends and family to say their
             what you liked or didn’t like about                      last good-byes
             the services you saw or attended.                    •  Provide closure after the loss of a
         •  Tell your children or loved ones that                     loved one
             because you care for them so much,                   •  Allow friends to console the family of
             you don’t want to burden them with                       the loved one
             difficult decisions when you’re gone.
             Tell them you’ve made your own                       So what is a funeral? In general terms, a
             final arrangements, and give them a                  funeral is a gathering of family and friends
             written record of what they are.                     after the death of a loved one that allows
         •  Make your funeral and cemetery                        them the opportunity to mourn, support
             plans with us and then wrap a copy                   each other and pay tribute to the life of
             of your contract and wishes in a gift                the deceased. It often consists of one or
             box, and present it to your children.                more of the following components:
         •  Make it a family affair. Schedule
             an appointment with your chosen                      Burial Plans
             funeral home or cemetery provider
             and invite your children along                       When  considering  final  arrangements
             to participate in the selection of                   for yourself or a loved one, one of the
             services, funeral merchandise and                    first decisions you might make is whether
             cemetery property.                                   you prefer burial or cremation. This
                                                                  decision often influences other important
         Whether you’re sharing plans for your                    considerations, such as elements of the
         own final arrangements with loved                        funeral service and type of cemetery
         ones, or encouraging loved ones to                       property.
         make and share their plans with you, the
         conversation about planning ahead is an                  Funeral Service
         important one that every family should
         have. While no one wants to think about                  A formal or informal ceremony or ritual
         their death or the death of a loved one                  prior to burial, a funeral service often
         any sooner than they must, having the                    provides a sense of closure to family and
         conversation in advance alleviates the                   friends. Although your faith or culture
         need for potentially more unpleasant or                  may dictate some elements of a funeral
         difficult conversations in the future.                   service, you may want to personalize
                                                                  other elements of the service. At a funeral
         Funeral Arrangements                                     service, a casket or urn is present, though
                                                                  you may choose to have the casket open
         Whether you’re planning for yourself or                  or closed.
         for a loved one, the funeral service is
         one of the most important elements of                    Held the night before or immediately
         a person’s final arrangements. With the                  prior to the funeral service, the visitation -
         opportunity for great personalization,                   also called a wake or a viewing - provides
         the funeral service can truly  reflect the               a way for friends and acquaintances to
         uniqueness of the life it honors.                        pay respects and offer condolences to
                                                                  your family. As with the funeral service,
         Regardless of whether you or your loved                  you may want to decide if you want an
         one have opted for burial or for cremation,              open or closed casket should one be
         the funeral or memorial service fills an                 present.
         important role. It can:

                                                                            McCourt and Trudden Funeral Home - Page 9
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