Page 183 - booklet draft
P. 183
S No. Items Quantity
1 SMS given during the drive period to road users in English, 3.5laks
Hindi & Telugu languages on “ Life is more precious than
time. Do not compel the gateman to open the gate and
do not cross the gate when it is in closed condition”.
2 Safety Stickers 1500
3 Safety Pamphlets distributed 32000
4 LC Gates covered during the drive 35
5 Special checks at Level crossings with RPF and local 7 Places
6 Awareness Campaigns & safety counselling at LC Gates 35 LCs
7 Appraised the road users on the MV Act provision. 2500
8 Checked the habit of Whistling by LPs of Trains. 85 trains
9 Checked the infrastructure at LCs. 35
10 No. of Road Users counseled. 2500
Counselled road vehicle drivers not to carry over load of
passengers and materials. Observe speed breakers and height
gauges while approaching LC gates.
Road users counselled on safe behaviour and discipline to be
followed while crossing LC gates.
Exhibited safety banners and counselled on not to engage with
mobile phones while on driving.
About 32,000 pamphlets distributed among the road users
during the week long safety awareness campaigns at level
crossing gates.
About 1000 stickers pasted on autos, trucks, mini lorries and at
petrol bunks
Safety activities being carried out:
Safety drives are being conducted as given in safety calendar
and as and when ordered by HQ/RB, its compliance are
submitted to CSO office and no drive’s compliance is pending
as on date.
Frequent ambush checks/night inspections are being
conducted and staff alertness being checked. Errant staff are
being brought to the notice of concerned branch officers.
Intensive inspection/audits conducted at major private sidings
and the deficiencies noticed were advised to siding authorities
for immediate attention.