Page 12 - GMB 2021_Float
P. 12
2. General Performance
(April ‘2021 – October ’2021) ( Aprox)
I. Goods revenue:
(Revenue in Crores)
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22
Actuals Actuals Target (Prop) Actuals
2722.34 2161.96 3403.87 3704.33
❖ 71.34 % more than last year (2020-21), 36.07 % more than 2019-
20 and 8.83 % more than the proportionate target.
II. Passenger revenue:
(Revenue in Crores)
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22
Actuals Actuals Target (Prop) Actuals
932.32 112.60 679.51 580.32
❖ 415.38 % more than last year (2020-21), 37.75% less than 2019-
20 and 14.60 % less than proportionate target.
III. Other Coaching revenue:
(Revenue in Crores)
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22
Actuals Actuals Target (Prop) Actuals
76.29 13.72 66.62 66.74
❖ 380.68 % more than last year (2020-21) and 13.57 % less than
2019-20 and 0.18 % more than proportionate target.
IV. Sundry revenue:
(Revenue in Crores)
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22
Actuals Actuals Target (Prop) Actuals
56.40 45.47 78.93 61.94