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Meet our Wish Models!
Meet our Wish Models!
Karson is 4 years old and dreams of being
Karson is 4 years old and dreams of being
a baseball player or police officer when
a baseball player or police officer when
he grows up. He loves superheros, playing
he grows up. He loves superheros, playing
baseball in the backyard, and eating
baseball in the backyard, and eating
happy meals! His wish to go to Disney
happy meals! His wish to go to Disney
came true in April, and his mom shared
came true in April, and his mom shared
that her favorite moment was seeing the
that her favorite moment was seeing the
pure joy on Karson’s face. He was able
pure joy on Karson’s face. He was able
to be a kid and have fun without any
to be a kid and have fun without any
Karson treatments for the week.
treatments for the week.
Kassem is 5 years old and loves coloring,
Kassem is 5 years old and loves coloring,
dancing, and watching Blippi. When he
dancing, and watching Blippi. When he
grows up, he wants to be a scientist and
grows up, he wants to be a scientist and
build robots. This past May, he went on his
build robots. This past May, he went on his
wish to Disney and met all of his favorite
wish to Disney and met all of his favorite
characters! It was the adventure of a
characters! It was the adventure of a
Khloe is 5 years old and loves writing in her
Khloe is 5 years old and loves writing in her
journal, dressing up, and dancing. When
journal, dressing up, and dancing. When
she grows up, she wants to be a butterfly
she grows up, she wants to be a butterfly
or a doctor. Her favorite song is Girl on Fire
or a doctor. Her favorite song is Girl on Fire
by Alicia Keys. She just returned from her
by Alicia Keys. She just returned from her
wish trip to Disney World!
wish trip to Disney World!