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P. 7
Meet our Wish Models!
Meet our Wish Models!
Marcella is almost 3 years old and loves
Marcella is almost 3 years old and loves
to sing and dance, put makeup on her
to sing and dance, put makeup on her
aunties, cook in her play kitchen, build
aunties, cook in her play kitchen, build
forts, and have sword fights with her dad.
forts, and have sword fights with her dad.
She also is starting to play soccer which
She also is starting to play soccer which
she enjoys. Her parents describe her as
she enjoys. Her parents describe her as
kind, witty, silly, smart, and she loves to
kind, witty, silly, smart, and she loves to
make new friends. Marcella is dreaming
make new friends. Marcella is dreaming
up her perfect wish and can’t wait to make
up her perfect wish and can’t wait to make
it happen!
it happen!
Marleena is 2 years old and loves
Marleena is 2 years old and loves
Cocomelon, dancing, chocolate and
Cocomelon, dancing, chocolate and
eating pizza and pasta. She will be
eating pizza and pasta. She will be
participating in the fashion show along
participating in the fashion show along
with her sister, Maylani! We can’t wait to
with her sister, Maylani! We can’t wait to
see her strut the runway.
see her strut the runway.
Maylani is 6 years old and loves
Maylani is 6 years old and loves
gymnastics, soccer, ICarly, Barbies, and
gymnastics, soccer, ICarly, Barbies, and
pizza. She dreams of being a singer when
pizza. She dreams of being a singer when
she grows up. Her wish to go to Disney
she grows up. Her wish to go to Disney
came true last November! She LOVED
came true last November! She LOVED
everything! The Avatar attraction was her
everything! The Avatar attraction was her