Page 16 - The Barefoot Guide (2019)
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Critter Gitter Fishing Charters Star Hill Golf Club
Captain Scott Garris. Cape Carteret, NC A 27-hole championship course with 3
See ad page 62. beautiful nines. Daily breakfast, lunch
Let us help you go beyond the ordinary. 252-646-6743 specials and lounge. Swimming pool access
We can delight you with a sand pail of fun available for a fee. Located just off Hwy. 58
activities and excursions for your vacation. Energizer Sportfishing in Cape Carteret. Championship – Yards:
Let us know what you’d like to do and we’ll The premiere fishing charter on the Crystal 6,551 Par: 72 Rating: 71.5 Slope: 126.
help you with the arrangements. Billing Coast. Located in Morehead City. | 252-393-8111
and payments for some of your activities See ad page 59.
can be made through our office for your | 800-808-4235 Emerald Woods Disc Golf Course
convenience. It couldn’t be more simple! So Newly designed disc golf course. Enter
relax and let us create the ideal vacation NC Charter Fishing the course from the main parking lot and
for you! Call our Vacation Planners today Captain Jeff Cronk | 336-558-5697 experience 9 holes through the tranquil
at 252-354-3315 to create your own special Captain Mike Taylor | 252-725-2623 woods along Bogue Sound. Course map
adventures and vacation memories. See ad page 64. located near entrance to main walking trail.
Discs are not provided. Located in Emerald
Woods off Coast Guard Road. For more
FISHING CHARTERS GOLF ON THE CRYSTAL COAST information contact Emerald Isle Parks and
Recreation at 252-354-6350.
Carolina Princess Brandywine Bay
Located at 604 Evans Street on the Proudly boasting an 18-hole championship Professor Hacker's Lost Treasure
Morehead City Waterfront. Half-day and golf course located in Morehead City. Golf & Raceway
full-day trips available. Bait and tackle are Championship – Yards: 6,609 Par: 71 Rating: 976 Salter Path Road, Salter Path
provided. See ad page 55. 72.2 Slope: 119 See ad page 33. | 252-726-5479 or | 252-247-2541 | 252-247-3024
Beaufort Club
Capt. Stacy Fishing Center The area’s newest championship layout
On the causeway in Atlantic Beach. was designed by Bob Moore of the JMP Golf
Half and full day trips. All trips provide Design Group. The course features lakes
everything needed for fishing. and ponds created to bring water into
See ad page 49. play on seven holes. Located in Beaufort. | 252-726-4675 Championship – Yards: 7,200 Par: 72 Rating:
74.5 Slope: 143 | 844-639-9068