Page 13 - The Barefoot Guide (2019)
P. 13

RECY CLE                             INTERNET

                                                   You will be plugging your PC or laptop into a cable/DSL modem. Or, you may
               RECYCLABLE ITEMS:                   find a wireless router that you will either connect to wirelessly or connect to
                                                   with your Ethernet cable. You may also use your cell phone personal hot spot.
               Glass:                              Please contact your service provider for more information and costs.
               glass bottles and jars
               Plastic:                            Please Note:
               plastic bottles, jugs and           To use the wireless connection, you must either have a wireless enabled device or a
                                                   wireless adapter card plugged into the laptop. We also offer wifi at our office.
               containers and caps
               steel, tin and aluminum cans        For a WIRELESS/WIRED ROUTER:  For a CABLE MODEM:
               bags, junk mail, office paper,      1.   If you’re using a laptop with   1.   Find the cable/DSL modem
               magazines and newspapers                Windows or Mac OS it should   located in the office, kitchen
               Cardboard:                              “see” the wireless signal as soon   counter or near the main TV.
               flattened boxes, cardboard and          as you turn it on.       2.   Make sure your PC/laptop is
                                                                                    connected to the cable modem
               cereal boxes                        2.   Your computer screen will alert   with an Ethernet cable.
               Cartons:                                you (Windows on the bottom   3.   Turn off your PC/laptop.
                                                       right, Mac OS in the center) to
               cardboard, juice and                    any available wireless networks.  4.   Pull the power plug out of the
               dairy containers                                                     back of the cable modem.
                                                   3.   Click on the network you would
                                                       like to connect to, and try to   (All lights should go out.)
               NOT RECYCLABLE:                         browse after it has connected.  5.   Wait 10 seconds, and plug the
               household trash                     4.   If it is asking for a password,   power cable back into the cable
               plastic bags                            look near the router and cable   modem.
               foods & liquids                         modem or on your key package   6.   The lights should start to come
               clothing                                below the property directions.  back on. Make sure the ONLINE
                                                                                    light is on and stays on.
               ceramics and dishware                                            7.   Turn the PC/laptop back on, and
                                                                                    try to browse.

                                                   If you can’t connect to the wireless or   If the ONLINE light will not light up or
                           See page 4
                           For garbage and         can’t browse, call Emerald Isle Realty   is flashing, or everything looks OK but
                           recycling collection    at 252-354-2690.             you still can’t browse, call Emerald
                           details.                                             Isle Realty at 252-354-2690.

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