Page 8 - The Barefoot Guide (2019)
P. 8

LEA VE Y OUR W ORRIES                                   DEP AR TURE

           AFTER HOURS HELP-LINE      requires all unattended beach
           For maintenance, housekeeping,   equipment, including shade
           or key lockouts after hours,   tents, canopies, volleyball nets
           call 252-354-2690 and leave a   and other equipment, to be
           message on our voicemail. Our   removed from the beach strand
           night duty personnel will be   each night. All unattended
           paged. Response time averages   items left on the beach between
           30 minutes or less, unless they   7:00 PM and 8:00 AM are now
           are detained by a previous   illegal and will be confiscated
           call. Simple plumbing repairs,   and removed by town staff.
           A/C or appliance failures   Personal possessions may not
           must be scheduled between   be stored near or on the dunes.
           9:00 AM and 5:00 PM daily. For
           linen emergencies call Island   SAFETY: THE DANGERS
           Essentials at 252-354-8887.  OF DIGGING HOLES
                                      Think twice before digging a
           THEFT                      hole on the beach. It is unlawful
           Although theft is rare on the   to dig a hole deeper than 12
           island, always remember to lock   inches without completely
           all doors and windows when   filling such depression before   CHECK-OUT
           leaving your vacation home,   departing the beach. Deep
           and secure your vehicles when   holes may cave in, bury and
           not in use. In the rare event   suffocate children and even   It’s always a sad day when it’s time to go home. We’ve tried to make this
           you need to report a break-in,   adults. They're also a major   as easy for you as possible. Departure cleaning is included in the price
           please contact the Carteret   hazard for emergency vehicles   of your rental with Emerald Isle Realty. Upon departure, we only ask that
           County Dispatch at 252-726-1911.  driving on the beach since they   you please complete our departure checklist to the right.
                                      are extremely difficult to see.
           UNATTENDED                 In addition, holes of any size   CHECK-OUT TIME IS 10:00 AM. Please, no exceptions unless you have
           BEACH EQUIPMENT            can put the lives of sea turtles   pre-booked the Late Check-Out option for an additional fee. For
           In an effort to improve public   and their hatchlings in danger.   departures prior to the office opening, place all keys, parking passes,
           safety and aesthetics, and due   Nesting sea turtles have fallen   gate cards, swim pins, etc. in the drop box to the right of our main
           to sea turtle nesting concerns,   in and have been trapped   entrance door. After 9:00 AM you may use our drive-through express
           the Emerald Isle and Indian   in these man-made holes.   check-out (weather permitting) from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
           Beach Board of Commissioners   Offenders will be fined $100.
           have adopted an ordinance that
                                                                 Early Bird Check-Out and Complimentary Continental Breakfast
                                                                 During Summer from Memorial Day through Labor Day, load up the car
                                                                 and come have breakfast with us from 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Saturday and
                                                                 Sunday. We’ll have hot coffee, orange juice, fruit, doughnuts, breakfast
                                                                 bars, and even a free newspaper to read on your way home.

                                                                 What to do with… the Linens, Towels and Beach Gear?
                                                                 If you are staying in a property and the beds were made upon your
                                                                 arrival, please leave sheets on the bed and place all towels on the
                                                                 floor of the nearest bathroom. If your beds were not made upon
                                                                 arrival, please remove linens from all beds and place in the duffel
                                                                 bag provided and set the bag by the front door. Please do not remove

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