Page 4 - The Barefoot Guide (2019)
P. 4


                                             WEL COME T O THE
                         CR Y S T AL  C O AS T

           We want to thank you for choosing Emerald Isle Realty for your   HOUSEKEEPING GUARANTEE  SPECIAL REQUESTS
           vacation. The Barefoot Guide – our Guest Services Directory – is full   We unconditionally guarantee the   Something you need for your
           of valuable information to help make your stay more memorable.   work of our housekeepers. We   vacation home? We’ve tried to
           Thank you for making us your “Tradition on the North Carolina   have created standards that will   prepare everything just right
           Coast Since 1962!”                                  assure the cleanliness of your   for your arrival, but if your
                                                               vacation home. If the cleanliness   vacation home needs additional
           SETTLING IN                                         standards have not been met, call   pots and pans, coffee pot,
                                                               us during normal business hours   toaster, blender, light bulbs, A/C
           If you have a housekeeping concern or special request please call   and we will have someone at   filters, mattress pads, pillows
           our office, 252-354-5077, immediately upon your arrival.  your property within 30 minutes.   or bedspreads, please call
                                                               For after hours emergency    or stop by our Housekeeping
           HOUSEKEEPING                                        housekeeping you may call 252-  Department, located downstairs
           Housekeeping service is available daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.   354-5077 prior to 9:00 PM (Friday,   at our office, and we will be
           Multiple week rentals: if you are one of the fortunate families who   Saturday and Sunday only). After   happy to assist you.
           are able to stay two weeks or longer, please call our Housekeeping   9:00 PM, please call our office the
           Department on Friday or Monday to schedule your mid-stay cleaning.   next morning.
           A few special homes offer a mid-week tidy. Please call to schedule
           or inquire about this service.

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