Page 5 - The Barefoot Guide (2019)
P. 5

          If you are staying in one of   You can surf at the beach
          our condominiums, your    in more ways than one! The
          family or friends will be given   majority of our homes provide
          parking passes or gate cards   complimentary wireless Internet
          to gain admittance through   access. You can surf the web
          the security gate. Most condos   while relaxing by the beach,   C ONCIER GE
          have a maximum number of   sitting on your deck or in the
          cars allowed due to parking   comfort of your vacation home.
          restrictions. Some condos   (See page 11 for access help.)
          require swim pins that must be   We also offer complimentary
          used at the pool and to be   wifi connection at our office.
          re-admitted from the beach.                                  Our personal concierge services are
          If lost, you will be responsible   MESSAGES, MAIL, FAX       offered for your convenience to help
          for the replacement cost of   Telephone messages may be      you with the little things that add up to
          the passes, gate cards or   received through our office;     making a great vacation. Available to all
          swim pins. We apologize for   however, only emergency        of our guests free of charge, we will...
          the inconvenience, but these   messages will be delivered.
          items are necessary to keep the   Please check our office for
          condominium areas secure for   pickup. Faxes may be sent     •     Provide you with information about
          our guests.               and received via our office at         Emerald Isle and our coastal area.
                                    252-354-2355 for a nominal fee
          OFF-SEASON & WINTER       per page. Emerald Isle Realty      •     Give you restaurant and dining
          VACATION HOME RENTALS     shall not be held responsible          recommendations.
          Looking for an extended stay   for messages, faxes, lost/
          at the beach? We have many   not received mail or for guest   •     Sell tickets to local attractions and
          properties in our vacation   notification. Please enjoy our      events.
          rental program that are   complimentary wifi connection
          available for monthly rentals   at our office.               •     Assist you in finding medical care, car
          during the winter and spring                                     care and child care.
          with greatly discounted rates.   LINEN SERVICE
          For availability and more   If you need assistance with your   •     Answer questions about area
          information please give us a   linens or need replacements       attractions and activities, and give you
          call at 252-354-6149.     for any reason, please contact         directions on how to get there!
                                    Island Essentials directly during
          WHILE YOU’RE HERE         normal office hours. Should you    •     Let you know where to find florists,

                                    need assistance after hours,           dry cleaning services, drug stores and
          TELEPHONES                please call 252-354-8887 and           other local services you may need
          Most of our vacation properties   leave a detailed message. Your   while on vacation.
          are equipped with telephones   call will be returned. Be sure to
          for your convenience. Long   include your name, telephone    •     Greet you on arrival and make you feel
          distance service in most   number, address where you             at home while on our beautiful island.
          vacation homes is not provided.   are staying and property name.
          If your vacation home has a   Please allow up to 30 minutes
          long distance block, you can   response time.
          still call long distance by using
          a calling card or calling the
          operator and using a credit

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