Page 6 - The Barefoot Guide (2019)
P. 6
RECYCLING AND GARBAGE guarantee swimming pools, air
Unless otherwise stated on conditioners, appliances, home
your key packet, garbage and theatre systems, TVs, DVDs,
recycling containers will be Internet access or cable, but we
rolled out to the street for you do guarantee all repairs will be
the day before pickup and made as soon as possible. We
rolled back to your vacation are unable to give refunds due
home after collection. Guests to their failure. Our number one
located on the soundside goal is for you and your family
of Emerald Drive and Coast to have a peaceful, relaxing
Guard Road will have trash vacation, so every problem–big
collected on Tuesdays and or small–will be taken seriously
Thursdays. Guests located by our maintenance staff.
on the oceanside of Emerald
Drive and Coast Guard Road, REFRIGERATOR
including The Point, will have Automatic-defrosting
trash collected Mondays and refrigerators will not work
Fridays. Off-season will be properly when turned to
rolled as needed. Recyclables maximum cool. Keep dials set
will be collected throughout the midway in both refrigerator
entire town each Wednesday. and freezer compartments.
Condo guests, please use the NOTE: allow refrigerator ample
on-site collection areas for recovery time (12-24 hours) after
garbage and recyclables located placing food in refrigerator on
in clearly marked dumpster check-in day before reporting a
areas. For Indian Beach guests, refrigerator problem. Icemakers
garbage pickup is on Thursday in refrigerators can’t make ice
or Friday. For Pine Knoll Shores if the refrigerator/freezer door
guests, garbage pickup is on is opened too often. We are
Monday and recyclables every unable to give refunds due to
other Monday. failed appliances.
Emerald Isle Realty has our own Often with air conditioners, the
excellent, in-house Maintenance cause of failure is a tripped
Department, and throughout breaker. Before reporting
the year we schedule trouble, we’d greatly appreciate
maintenance and repairs on if you would check the breakers
a priority basis. Repairs are located in the main inside
occasionally necessary as breaker panel. The most many
appliances and air conditioners air conditioners are able to
can fail at inconvenient times. perform in our humidity is at a
Before reporting appliance or 15-degree differential between
air conditioner problems, check the exterior and interior
for obvious reasons of failure. temperature. Therefore, on
If you have a maintenance a 95-degree July day, the air
concern, you may call our office conditioner will be operating
at 252-354-2690. We cannot at full capacity if your interior