Page 5 - Demo
P. 5

REV 26
REV 26
OXY MASKS ...................................................... ON / 100%
CREW COMMUNICATION .............................. ESTABLISH
“EMER DESCENT”(twice).............................. ANNOUNCE
SIGNS .............................................................................ON
DESCENT .............................................................. INITIATE
The recommendation is to descent with AP engaged : • Turn ALT selector knob and pull.
• Turn HDG selector knob and pull.
• Adjust target SPD/MACH.
• If autothrust engaged, check that THR IDLE appears on the FMA.
• If not engaged, retard the thrust levers.
Notify ATC of the nature of the emergency, and state intention The flight crew can communicate with the ATC using voice, or CPDLC when the voice contact cannot be established or has poor quality.
THRUST ....................................................................... IDLE
SPD BRK .................................................................... FULL
ATC ........................................................................ NOTIFY
– MAX FL.................................................. 100 / MEA - MORA
– SPD...................................................MAX / APPROPRIATE
Caution : Descend at maximum appropriate speed. If structural damage is suspected, use the flight controls with care and reduce speed as appropriate.
Landing gear may be extended, In such case, speed must be reduced to VLO/VLE.
– ENG START SEL ............................................................IGN – ATC XPDR 7700 ................................................ CONSIDER
Squawk 7700 unless otherwise specified by ATC.
® To save oxygen, set the oxygen diluter selector to the N
® If the oxygen diluter selector remains set to 100 %, oxygen
quantity may be insufficient to cover the entire emergency
descent profile.
® Ensure that crew communication is established with oxygen
masks. Avoid the continuous use of the interphone to minimize interference with the breathing noise in the oxygen mask.
! IF CAB ALT 14 000 ft :
– PAX OXY MASKS ............................................. MAN ON
This action confirms that the passenger oxygen masks are
Note : When airplane altitude is at or passing 10,000 ft, notify cabin crew that they may remove oxygen mask and resume their duties by announcing “ CABIN CREW, TEN THOUSAND ”.

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