Page 19 - FGLN SC Onboarding Binder 2021
P. 19
Flint & Genesee Literacy Goals & Indicators
Baseline Data
Early Learning- % of children, birth to kindergarten, participating in center-based or formal home-based early learning programs, including Early Head Start, Head Start, Child Care or Pre-school.
Early Childhood
Youth Literacy
Opportunity Youth
Quality Childcare Options- % of child care programs with high quality ratings.
Kindergarten Readiness- % of children with adequate kindergarten readiness
Summer Learning- % of children, grades K-3, participating in summer learning programs with reading foci.
Chronic Absenteeism- % of children, grades Pre-K to 3, who are chronically absent , using school attendance data
Grade Level Reading- % of children, grades k-3, reading on grade level , using school assessment data
Chronic Absenteeism- % of students grades 4-12 who are chronically absent, using school attendance data
Grade-Level Proficiency- % of students proficient in math, reading, and writing using school assessment data
Graduation Rates- % of students graduation from high school/ attaining GED , disaggregated (shared indicator with Opportunity Youth)
Dropout Rates- % of students dropping out of high school , using school data (shared indicator with Opportunity Youth)
Opportunity Youth Classification- # who are classified as Opportunity Youth using the definition of “16-24, not in school, not working”
Post-Secondary Enrollment- % who enroll in post-secondary education , using college reported data
Post-Secondary Remediation -% taking remedial post-secondary courses after high school graduation, using college reported data
Economically Disadvantaged - % students reported as economically disadvantaged, using school reported data
Employment- % of opportunity youth who are employed (Overall Community Descriptive Indicator)
Wages- % of opportunity youth earning a livable wage as defined by Economic Policy Institute (Overall Community Descriptive Indicator)
Post-Secondary Enrollment/ Retention/ Graduation rates, disaggregated by demographics and geographic data
Credit Accumulation- 24 college credit accumulation levels, using college reported data Adult Tutoring, Mentoring and Coaching- % of adults completing training to provide adult tutoring and coaching, using Program/Service reported data
Adult Tutoring, Mentoring and Coaching- % of adults completing participation milestones in adult tutoring and coaching, using Program/Service reported data Employment Rates, Health and Mortality Rates and other Community Indicators as defined by Network
Adult Literacy
Flint & Genesee Literacy Network 9