Page 12 - M. Stubbs Portfolio
P. 12

  October 1, 2020
Subject: Ms. Meon Stubbs
To whom it may concern,
This letter serves as my recommendation and support for Meon Stubbs’ gradation into a Perinatal and Infant Health Section Manager-SAM 15. Over the past 31 years I have had the opportunity to develop a professional and personal relationship with Meon.
As the Training Delivery Division Manager of the Office of Workforce Development and Training, I have had the opportunity to work with Meon in several capacities. While working with her I have been able to observe her interactions with her staff, peers, management, and external customers. Meon can connect with people in a very sin1celreamdearn. nWerh, reengagridvlenss aodfdtihteioirnsatlatjuosb. rIensmpoansyibsiltiutiaetsiosnhseMaecocnephtass tbheenadadbilteiotonadlemtasoknsstrate strong team building, communication, adaptability, and organization skills.
without complaining. She has been observed to positively accept workplace changes and
During crisis situations Meon has the unique ability to remain calm and accurately assess the needs of those she
policies and procedures and seamlessly adapts.
works with and provides solutions in an articulate and compassionate manner. Throughout these occasions Meon
has always displayed a positive and forward-thinking attitude and she continues to display strong analytical and
critical thinking skills. She has also been observed to work tirelessly while updating lesson plans, facilitating
I find it important that I highlight that with all the changes and innovations that
monthly training calls, and completing in-service trainings schedules amongst other tasks. As Meon works on mMans.ySdtiuffbebrsenhtapsrborjoeuctgshtthtrouOgWhoDuTt,OpWrioDrTto,IbfeceolmasitnhgoaugHhuhmearnstRroensoguwrcoerkMeathniacgaenr-d13se,nseofcommunityproudly represents the principles that a second line supervisor should embody. She is a positive employee who takes her mManeaognedmidentortehspavoensaibtrilaiitnieisngsebriaocuksglyro.Munedo.nIhnaMsbaeye2n0o1b6s,esrhvedcatmobeeinawteiatmhfprelasyheeryaensdan1dleader.Whengiven additional job responsibilities she accepts the additional tasks without complaining. She has been observed to
was able to assess the training needs and after looking at areas that needed improvement
positively accept workplace changes and policies and procedures and seamlessly adapts.
she was able to take the data sets that spoke to specific areas and has been able to make
I find it important that I highlight that with all the changes and innovations that Ms. Stubbs has brought to OWDT, prior to becoming a Human Resource Manager-13, Meon did not have a training background. In May
meaningful and successful changes.
2016, she came in with fresh eyes and was able to assess the training needs and after looking at areas that needed improvement she was able to take the data sets that spoke to specific areas and has been able to make meaningful and succDesusfeutlochMaenogne’ss. emotional intelligence and innovative thinking, she was granted a
DGuoeotdo GMoevoenr’snmemenotiaownalrdinftoerllisgheonwcecasnindginhneorvaabtilvietythtoinpkoisnigti,vsehleywadasapgtratontceudltaurGeoaondGovernment award for showcasing her ability to positively adapt to culture and climate changes within the workplace. In closing, I believe
climate changes within the workplace. In closing, I believe that Ms. Meon Stubbs
that Ms. Meon Stubbs possesses the necessary skills to be an effective Perinatal and Infant Health Section Manager-SAM 15.
possesses the necessary skills to be an effective Perinatal and Infant Health Section Manager-SAM 15.
 KRimesbperclytfuAl.lyR,eese,MSW Kimberly A. Reese, MSW

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