Page 8 - D:\DATA\Documents\Pengembangan Bahan Ajar\PROJECT PBA\
P. 8


                              -   Outcome
                              -   So
                              -   Consenquently
                              -   Finally
                              -   In order to
                              -   Upshot
                              -   In consequence
                              -   Reaction
                              -   Accordingly
                              -   Thus

               Sentence Structure or Sentence Formulas Cause and Effect

                       A.  Cause and Effect Followed by a Noun
                          In this type, a signal word will be followed by a noun or noun phrase. Do you still remember
                          what a noun phrase is? A noun phrase is a phrase consisting of a noun and all its modifiers
                          (usually determiners and modifiers).
                          The following are examples of signal words that are commonly used in this type of sentence:
                                because of
                                Thanks
                                As a result of
                                Due to
                                As a consequence of
                                Owing to

                          What you need to underline is, the clause that states the cause will always be stored after the
                          signal words. The sentence structure that is commonly used is as follows:
                                Signal words + Cause + Effect
                                Effect + Signal words + Cause

                          The example sentence is as follows, see the cause and effect in the underlined part!
                                Due to Alfy's cheating, he got a D from the lecturer.
                                He always gets punished because of his waking up late habits.
                                As a result of heavy rain, we canceled the camping event.

                       B.  Cause and Effect Followed by Subject + Verb

                          Furthermore, cause and effect sentences can be formed using the signal words formula
                          followed by a subject and a verb. Signal words that are commonly used are:
                                because
                                since
                                US

                      XI                                                      PRESENTED BY I PUTU GEDE SATRIYA WIBAWA   Page 8
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