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About the HIP Plan Benefit

                                                                    Offered by Positrol, Inc

                                                                             Effective January 2016

Your employer, Positrol, Inc, is sponsoring a HIP Plan that works like secondary insurance coverage to help cover
certain expenses not covered by your primary insurance with ANTHEM. Custom Design Benefits administers the


Your HIP plan covers medical & prescription expenses that apply to ANTHEM’s in-network deductible.

COVERED EXPENSE                               ANTHEM Plan                               HIP Plan
                                                                                       You Pay:
Deductible                                        $5,000 Single
                                      $10,000 Family ($5,000/person)       20% co-insurance for all deductible
Coinsurance                                                              expenses except the ones listed below
Maximum Out-of-Pocket                        100% after deductible
                                                  $5,000 Single                  20% of primary allowable
(includes Deductible but not copays)             $10,000 Family                          $1,000 Single
                                                   Paid at 100%                          $2,000 Family
Preventive Services
Primary Care Office Visit                    100% after deductible                     Paid by ANTHEM
Specialist Office Visit                      100% after deductible
Emergency Room                               100% after deductible                         $30 Copay
Urgent Care                                  100% after deductible
All other services                           100% after deductible                         $60 Copay
Prescription Drugs                    Copays after deductible up to the
                                           Maximum Out-of-Pocket                          $250 Copay

                                                                                          $100 Copay

                                                                                 20% of primary allowable
                                                                                        $10 / $35 / $60

                                                                                (mail order-see back page)


1. You have TWO insurance cards:
             o an ANTHEM card (Primary insurance)
             o a Custom Design Benefits’ HIP Card (Secondary insurance)

2. Give BOTH cards to your provider. The provider must first file claims with ANTHEM and then with the Custom
     Design Benefits’ HIP Plan.

3. The healthcare provider submits their claim to the primary insurance (ANTHEM plan) and then to HIP.

        o For Prescriptions: You must use the ANTHEM card first in order to get credit towards the $5,000

             Most pharmacies will run your prescription benefit through both insurance programs for you. There are
             some pharmacies who will not process secondary benefits – primarily Walgreens, CVS and a handful of
             others. If you use a pharmacy that will not process secondary insurance, you pay up front & then submit
             receipts with your ANTHEM Explanation of Benefits to Custom Design Benefits. See reverse side for
             additional instructions regarding the use of your HIP pharmacy benefit.

             *If a member meets the ANTHEM deductible and purchases a prescription the primary plan will continue
             to have a copayment of $10, $35 & $70. These amounts can be submitted to Custom Design Benefits
             and you will be reimbursed those copays in full. Remember this is only after you have met your ANTHEM
             deductible that the prescription copays will be reimbursed to by the secondary plan.

4. You will receive a monthly statement when there is activity on your account for you or anyone in your family.
     Online access is also available to review claims, ask questions or request an ID Card (instructions below).

CONTACTING US                                MAIL
                                             HIP - Custom Design Benefits
           PHONE                             5589 Cheviot Road
           800-598-2929 Toll-free            Cincinnati, OH 45247
           Or 513-598-2929 Local Cincinnati
           M - F 8:00am - 5 pm EST


Click on the HIP HealthVu button to login (a letter is sent to your home with login/password)

- Check claims                        - Ask Questions                    - Request an ID Card
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