Page 75 - QCS.19 SPD - PPO
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Prior Authorization Requirements

            Before certain Prescription Drug Products are dispensed to you, it is the responsibility of your Physician, your
            pharmacist or you to obtain prior authorization. The reason for obtaining prior authorization is to determine if the
            Prescription Drug Product is eligible for coverage. Medical Necessity goes beyond drug and diagnosis and takes
            into consideration the clinical appropriateness of a medication in terms of condition being treated, severity of
            conditions, type of medication, frequency of use, and duration of therapy.  You may determine whether a
            Prescription Drug Product requires prior authorization by contacting us at or the telephone
            number on your ID card.

            Specialty Prescription Drug Products

            Benefits are provided for Specialty Prescription Drug Products.
            If you require Specialty Prescription Drug Products, we may direct you to a Designated Pharmacy with whom we
            have an arrangement to provide those Specialty Prescription Drug Products. If you are directed to a Designated
            Pharmacy and you choose not to obtain your Prescription Drug Product from a Designated Pharmacy, the
            Prescription Drug Product is not eligible for benefits.

            Does Step Therapy Apply?
            In order to receive benefits for a Prescription Drug Product subject to step therapy requirements, the Claims
            Administrator may require that your doctor first prescribe another Prescription Drug Product proven to be effective
            for treatment of your condition. You may determine whether a particular Prescription Drug Product or
            pharmaceutical product is subject to step therapy requirements by calling the phone number on your identification
            Rebates and Other Payments

            We may receive rebates for certain drugs included on the Prescription Drug List. As determined by us, we may
            pass a portion of these rebates on to you. When rebates are passed on to you, they may be taken into account in
            determining your Deductible, Co-payment and/or Co-insurance.
            We, and a number of our affiliated entities, conduct business with pharmaceutical manufacturers. Such business
            may include, but is not limited to, data collection, consulting, educational grants and research. Amounts received
            from pharmaceutical manufacturers pursuant to such arrangements are not related to this Prescription Drug
            Benefit. We are not required to pass on to you, and do not pass on to you, such amounts.
            Coupons, Incentives and Other Communications

            At various times, we may send mailings or provide other communications to you, your Physician, or your
            pharmacy that communicate a variety of messages, including information about Prescription and non-prescription
            Drug Products. These communications may include offers that enable you, as you determine, to purchase the
            described product at a discount. Pharmaceutical manufacturers or an affiliate may pay for and/or provide content
            for these communications and offers. Only you and your Physician can determine whether a change in your
            Prescription and/or non-prescription Drug regimen is appropriate for your medical condition.

            Exclusions from coverage listed in the Summary Plan Description apply also to this section. The following will not
            be considered Covered Health Care Services, and Benefits will not be available under this section for the
               ·   Prescription Drug Products obtained from an Out-of-Network Pharmacy;

               ·   Prescription Drug Products for the amount dispensed (days' supply or quantity limit) which exceeds the
                   supply limit;
               ·   Prescription Drug Products dispensed outside the United States, except as required for Emergency
               ·   Drugs which are prescribed, dispensed or intended for use during an Inpatient Stay;

               ·   Experimental or Investigational Services or Unproven Services and medications; medications used for
                   experimental treatments for specific disease and/or dosage regimens determined by us to be
                   experimental, investigational or unproven. This exclusion does not apply to Prescription Drug Products
                   that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but have not been approved

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