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by the FDA to be lawfully marketed for the proposed use, if the Prescription Drug Product has been
                   recognized as safe and effective for treatment of a particular indication in one or more of the publications
                   or literature listed below:

                   ·   The AMA Drug Evaluations, a publication of the American Medical Association;
                   ·   The AHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service) Drug Information, a publication of the American
                       Society of Health System Pharmacists;

                   ·   Drug Information for the Health Care Provider, a publication of the United States Pharmacopoeia
                       Convention; or

                   ·   medical literature may be accepted in place of the above compendia if all of the following apply:
                       ·  two articles from major peer-reviewed professional medical journals have recognized, based on
                          scientific or medical criteria, the drug's safety and effectiveness for treatment of the indication for
                          which it has been prescribed;
                       ·  no article from a major peer-reviewed professional medical journal has concluded, based on
                          scientific or medical criteria, that the drug is unsafe or ineffective or that the drug's safety and
                          effectiveness cannot be determined for the treatment of the indication for which it has been
                          prescribed; and
                       ·  each article meets the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals
                          established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors or is published in a journal
                          specified by the United States Department of Health and Human Services as accepted peer-
                          reviewed medical literature;

               ·   Prescription Drug Products furnished by the local, state or federal government. Any Prescription Drug
                   Product to the extent payment or benefits are provided or available from the local, state or federal
                   government (for example, Medicare) whether or not payment or benefits are received, except as
                   otherwise provided by law;

               ·   Prescription Drug Products for any condition, Injury, Sickness or mental illness arising out of, or in the
                   course of, employment for which benefits are available under any workers' compensation law or other
                   similar laws, whether or not a claim for such benefits is made or payment or benefits are received;

               ·   Any product dispensed for the purpose of appetite suppression or weight loss;
               ·   A Pharmaceutical Product for which Benefits are provided in your Summary Plan Description;

               ·   Durable Medical Equipment. Prescribed and non-prescribed outpatient supplies. This exclusion does not
                   apply to diabetic supplies and inhaler spacers specifically stated as covered;

               ·   General vitamins, except the following which require a Prescription Order or Refill:

                   ·   Prenatal vitamins
                   ·   Vitamins with fluoride
                   ·   Single entity vitamins
               ·   Unit dose packaging of Prescription Drug Products;

               ·   Medications used for cosmetic purposes;
               ·   Prescription Drug Products, including New Prescription Drug Products or new dosage forms, that we
                   determine do not meet the definition of a Covered Health Care Service;

               ·   Prescription Drug Products as a replacement for a previously dispensed Prescription Drug Product that
                   was lost, stolen, broken or destroyed;

               ·   Prescription Drug Products when prescribed to treat infertility;
               ·   Treatment for toenail onychomycosis (toenail fungus);

               ·   Certain prescription Drug Products for tobacco cessation;
               ·   Diagnostic kits and products;

               ·   Dental products, including but not limited to prescription fluoride topicals;

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