Page 85 - QCS.19 SPD - PPO
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Cosmetic Procedures - procedures or services that change or improve appearance without significantly
            improving physiological function, as determined by the Claims Administrator.
            Covered Health Care Service(s) - health care services, including supplies or Pharmaceutical Products, which we
            determine to be all of the following:
               ·   Provided for the purpose of preventing, evaluating, diagnosing or treating of a Sickness, Injury, Mental
                   Illness, substance-related and addictive disorders, condition, disease or symptoms;

               ·   Incurred while you and your Dependent are covered by the plan;
               ·   Prescribed, ordered, recommended or approved by an authorized health care provider;

               ·   Medically Necessary;
               ·   Not subject to an applicable limitation or exclusion; and

               ·   Allowed under all other applicable terms and conditions of the Plan.
            The Plan does not pay for that part of a Covered Health Care Service which:

               ·   Is subject to a Copayment, Annual Deductible, Coinsurance or penalty; or
               ·   Exceeds an applicable benefit maximum; or

               ·   Is not an Allowed Amount.
            Covered Person - either the Subscriber or an Enrolled Dependent, but this term applies only while the person is
            enrolled under the Plan. References to "you" and "your" throughout this Plan are references to a Covered Person.
            Custodial Care - services that are any of the following:

               ·   Non-health-related services, such as assistance in activities of daily living (examples include feeding,
                   dressing, bathing, transferring and ambulating);
               ·   Health-related services that can safely and effectively be performed by trained non-medical personnel
                   and are provided for the primary purpose of meeting the personal needs of the patient or maintaining a
                   level of function, as opposed to improving that function to an extent that might allow for more independent

            Definitive Drug Test - tests to identify specific medications, illicit substances and metabolites and is qualitative
            and quantitative to identify possible use of a drug.
            Dependent - the Subscriber's legal Spouse or a child of the Subscriber or the Subscriber's Spouse. The term
            child includes any of the following:
               ·   A natural child;

               ·   A stepchild;
               ·   A legally adopted child;

               ·   A child placed for adoption; and
               ·   A child for whom legal guardianship has been awarded to the Subscriber or the Subscriber's Spouse.

            To be eligible for coverage under the Plan, a Dependent must reside within the United States.
            The definition of Dependent is subject to the following conditions and limitations:

               ·   A Dependent includes any child listed above under 26 years of age;
               ·   A Dependent includes an unmarried dependent child age 26 or older who is or becomes disabled and
                   dependent upon the Subscriber.

            The Subscriber must reimburse the Plan for any Benefits paid for a child at a time when the child did not satisfy
            these conditions.

            Page 80                                                                           Section 15 - Glossary
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