Page 19 - RTF.20 Employee Benefits
P. 19

2020 Medical Benefits

                              Medical PLAN
                            United Healthcare

               You have the option to enroll in our group health insurance plan through United Healthcare.
                                                                    All Savers P20003060e
               The benefits and your cost
               (contribution) are outlined in the   Benefits                  In‐Network       Out‐of‐Network
               adjacent table.                   Annual Deductible
                                                 Individual/Family          $2,000 / $4,000    $4,000 / $8,000

                                                 Out of Pocket Maximum
               To check and see if your doctor is in   Individual/Family    $4,000 / $8,000   $8,000 / $16,000
                                                 (The out of pocket includes the
               your plan click on:               annual deductible)
                      UHC Provider Search
                                                 Lifetime Maximum              Unlimited         Unlimited
                                                 Preventive Services         Paid at 100%     Deductible + 50%
               When you receive your ID card in the
               mail, use it to register for the member   PCP Office Visit     $30 Copay       Deductible + 50%
               website at:
         Specialist Office Visit      $60 Copay       Deductible + 50%

               You can learn more about your     Urgent Care                  $100 Copay      Deductible + 50%
               coverage and track claims and
               explanation‐of‐benefits statements   Emergency              $300 Copay + 0%
               throughout the year.
                                                 Inpatient                  Deductible + 0%   Deductible + 50%

                                                 Outpatient Services        Deductible + 0%   Deductible + 50%
                                                 Mental Health ‐ Inpatient   Deductible + 0%   Deductible + 50%
               UHC Customer Service
               800‐291‐2634                      Mental Health ‐
                                                 Outpatient                 Deductible + 0%   Deductible + 50%
               Hours:                            Short Term Rehabilitation
               Mon‐Fri 7:30AM – 6:00PM CST       Outpatient               Deductible + 0%     Deductible + 50%

                                                                                               The greater of
                                                 Retail – 30 day supply    $15/$35/$75/$250    $70 or 50%, min
                                                 Mail Order – 90 day
                                                                            2.5 Time Retail     Not Covered
                                                 Refer to United Healthcare’s detailed plan summary for limitations
               Hourly Employees
                Coverage Election                                 Monthly                    Weekly
                Employee Only                                     $214.57                    $49.52
                Employee + Spouse                                 $420.80                    $97.11
                Employee + Child(ren)                             $410.49                    $94.73
                Family                                            $552.42                    $127.48

               For additional plan information, please refer to the detailed plan description provided by the carrier.
               In the event of a discrepancy, the carrier Pan Document shall prevail.
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