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P. 45

Model Exam (2)

              1-(A) Complete the following                      using the following words :

              (definite –Mars-Uranus –Metals –Mass-Venus –indefinite –

              Element – non metals –mercury )

              1.Kilogram is the measuring unit of ………………………..

              2.Silver is a shiny element ,so it belongs to the

              3.The nearest two planets to the Earth are


              4.The cold planet is ……………………..

              5.Liquid matter have ……………volume  and …………………shape.

              6………………………is the substance that can’t be decomposed into

              substances or more.

              (B)What is the use of …?

              1.Sensetive balance:……………………………………………………….

              2.Ruler : ……………………………………………………………………………
              3.Iron : ……………………………………………………………………………….

              2-(A) Choose the correct answer :

              1.The electric wires are made of ………….                           (copper –carbon –

              2.The only liquid non metal is …………….(copper – iron –bromine )

              3.Five metres =………….cm (50 -500 -5000)

              4.The biggest planet is (Earth –Mercury  -Jupiter )

              5.Commen balance is used to measure ( mass –length –volume )

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