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P. 50

4.Write the scientific term :
               1.the state of matter that be can be pressed

               2.the planet that has coloured rings

               3.Everything occupies a space and has mass

                4.The simplest form of matter that can’t be analyzed

                5.A tool used to measure small masses

                                                    Model Exam (5)

                1.Complete the following :
               1.the nearest planet to the sun ………………………..,but the

               farthest planet is …………

               2.Ruler is used to measure ………………….,while graduated tape

               is used to measure ………………….
               3. the states of matter are………………………,………………………..and


               4.The Earth revolves around the sun once every ………………

               5……………….is the volume occupied by the object .

                2. Put (√) or (x) :
               1.Carbon and sulphur have high melting points

               2.Liquids have definite shapes and volumes

               3.The electric wires are made of carbon

              4.The day in summer is longer than night

              5. Sun is a planet

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