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Three years in the                          media. So I, the covid nodal physician,was

                   Covid, inside PPE,                          called to the stage near the collector, Mr
                                                               Noohu and DMO, they told me to break the
                   the rewards I got                           news of infection.So I just looked at madam,
                                                               realising all plans of protecting me failed
                    was grey hairs, a                          miserably, and I started to the hospital.  It
                                                               took me one and a half minute drive from
                  bit of grey wisdom                           collectorate to the hospital. My head was
                                                               spinning. It was one of the most horrible and
                 and a suffering, but                          longest and toughest journey of my life. I went
                                                               there put PPE. The sisters in the ward were
                  an uncomplaining                             told that they are dealing with covid! I went to
                                                               the patients room, knocked the door and told
                   family, who stood                           them that the results came as positive. The
                                                               three from Italy where expecting the same, so
                    with me. Happily                           they were calm and composed. The other two
                                                               Keralites, their contacts, were  bewildered.
                  taking my absence                            I told them don't worry, it's just like another
                                                               viral infection and hopefully we will treat.
                  as someone else's                            Don't get panicked. When I came out while

                     life saving time.                         removing the PPE, I also became composed.
                                                               I have to treat them but I am protected, as
                  Making me realise                            me and my family had the lesser chance for
                                                               infection than anyone in the state. Atleast now
                    that they will be                          I knew the ones before me are covid patients.
                                                               Now I knew that I am in the safest place in the
                    with me in worst                           whole world, by looking after Covid!! Later
                                                               after 2 years when I got covid twice  in 2022,
                        of my times.                           it was community acquired and not from the
                                                               In next few months there were lots of patients
                                                               and  suspects and lots were abscounding.
                                                               Again I became answerable for the abscound-

            to treat the patients and I have a 11 month old    ing patients also.
            kid. So Jayasree madam told "anyway I had          Then the great wave happened, the first
            been exposed and my kids are big,  also your       wave most deathes were elderly,  most of
            kids are tiny. So I and Sharath will manage        them alone with kids away. I thought it was
            the cases and Nazlin be outside so that the        GOD's plan to give them the moksha!! But
            kids will be safe and also your mother in law."    luckily covid vaccination started for older
            I was touched by the care she had given to me      ones, but then we witnessed lot of young
            and my family. The meeting started ,DMO and        people affected in next wave, mainly obese
            collector was discussing how we are going to       and diabetics dying, some families complete-
            tell to the public that we have cases like this    ly washed out. Some families with all adults
            and how to take precautions and things like        expiring and kids orphaned. I had seen the
            that. But we were all afraid like in a funeral     GOD!! I was wondering what is HIS plan this
            pyre. What will happen  to our families, it's      time. I had seen the positivity, perseverance,
            too early to die. All medias were waiting          The moment when your loved ones are going
            for information after the conference. But          away whom you think will be there for several
            collector and DMO decided that the patients        decades. I had seen a lot, making me aware
            should first know their covid status before        I'm no one here in this big world. The crunch

                                                                                                            20                                                                                                                     21
                        2K1 MBBS, Trivandrum Medical College                                                                                   2K1 MBBS, Trivandrum Medical College
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