Page 17 - OPINION
P. 17

A. Give an opinion on a                                                        C. Disagree with A
            topic                                                                          and give a reason

               In my opinion                                                             Well, I don’t necessarily agree with

              teenagers, are                                                              that because they are watched by
                                                    B. Agree. Give a
             given too much                                                              their parents at home and teachers
                  freedom                                                                                  at school.

                 nowadays.                            That’s true.. you’re

                                                     right about that. Too

                                                    much freedom creates

            C. Disagree directly                                                                     Yes, but most parents are
            with A and explain                                                   B. Partially        very busy that they spend

                                                                              agree with C                less time with their

           Your view is a bit different from                                   and explain.                      children.
         mine. There are also other factors

         that cause social problems among
                                                                    A. Agree with B and
        teenagers. Those who are not given                          give another reason

        enough freedom may also retaliate
                  and create problems.                             Exactly. Teenagers who are neglected

                                                                      by parents tend to get involved in
                                                                     social problems because they have

                                                                                 too much freedom.
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