Page 10 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 10

to the issue of shaken interreligious relations within the Bosnian-Herzegovinian society, the increasingly frequent expressions of religious and national hatred voiced by both religious representatives and promi- nent individuals of public and political life, and in that context, also to the work of the Inter-Religious Council in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Assembly also devoted attention to the spiri- tual and geopolitical consequences of the war con- flict in Ukraine. The suffering of the Ukrainian Or- thodox Church caused by the current authorities in Kyiv, including the confiscation of her property, churches and monasteries, the displacement of mo- nastics, the persecution of certain Hierarchs, and the deprivation of basic human rights and freedoms guaranteed by international conventions were par- ticularly discussed. On this occasion, the Assembly once again raises its voice in defense of the disen- franchised and persecuted brethren of the same faith, appealing to relevant international institutions to prevent this injustice.
During the Assembly, a meeting of the Central Body for the Completion of the Memorial Church of Saint Sava on Vračar was held. On this occasion, the report of this body was received, detailing all the previous work carried out through the contributions of devout people and with the assistance of the state, as well as the remaining work that needs to be com- pleted in the near future as part of the preparations for the consecration of the Church.
The Assembly made two visits during its meet- ing: to the President of the Republic of Serbia and to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević, at the invitation of these esteemed in- dividuals. The Assembly Fathers listened with due attention to the presentations of their hosts on sev- eral issues important to our people, particularly re- garding ongoing and forthcoming pressures related to the dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija. In the con- versation with the President, it was emphasized that unity of the people, especially in times of great trials, is the pillar of preserving the state and national in- terests, and that the Church has an exceptional role in preserving that unity.
Furthermore, at the invitation of the Acting Di- rector of the Office for Cooperation with the Dias- pora and Serbs in the Region, Mr. Arnaud Gouillon, a meeting was arranged, attended also by the Direc- tor of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities Mr. Vladimir Roganović. Responding to this invitation, the Hierarchs of Dio-
ceses from the diaspora gathered for discussions on possibilities for closer cooperation with state au- thorities, educational and cultural institutions in Serbia, for the common good of our people living scattered throughout the world.
The Holy Assembly also addressed the phenom- enon of Orthodox Church being perceived as having a derogatory attitude towards women. Rejecting this accusation as unfounded and meaningless, the As- sembly emphasizes the equality and equal God-giv- en dignity of women as beings created in the image of God, alongside men. The Holy Assembly of Bish- ops calls upon the relevant circles not to impose upon women a complex of inferiority. Whether as a mother, an unmarried woman in the world, or a nun, a woman performs a service of invaluable ec- clesiastical, spiritual, social, and civilizational sig- nificance. This year, we are celebrating the 120th an- niversary of the existence of the Circle of Serbian Sisters, an organization that shines a beautiful light on such service of Christian women. The zeal and selflessness of the members of the Circle of Serbian Sisters are widely known and recognized by our peo- ple, especially in the diaspora, as an authentic testi- mony of Orthodox Christian values in a society where God is placed first. On this occasion, the As- sembly extends congratulations to the Circle of Ser- bian Sisters, all its affiliations, branches, and com- mittees worldwide, as well as to all women, on this significant jubilee.
His Grace Bishop of Buenos Aires and South– Central America Kirilo has been elected Adminis- trator of the vacant Diocese of Zagreb and Ljubljana, instead of the current Administrator, His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, while the current Vicar Bishop of His Holiness, Bishop of Marča Sava, has been elected as the Vicar Bishop of His Grace Bishop of Banja Luka Jefrem, retaining the current title.
The mandate in the Holy Synod of Bishops has ended for His Grace Bishop of Srem Vasilije and His Grace Bishop of Zvornik–Tuzla Fotije, which made them deputy members of this body in the next one- year period. His Eminence Metropolitan of Monte- negro and the Littoral Joanikije and His Grace Bish- op of Bačka Irinej remain as members of the Synod for the remaining one-year term, while His Grace Bishop of Braničevo Ignjatije and His Grace Bishop of Gornji Karlovac Gerasim have been elected as new members for the upcoming two-year term.

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