Page 11 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 11

Diocesan Days 2022
in Jackson, California
Diocesan Days 2022 – Day One
The twenty-sixth annual Diocesan Day gathering began with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Maxim of Western America on Friday, September 2, 2022. The clergy and laity met at the St. Sava Orthodox Mission in beautiful and historical Jackson, Califor- nia. A lenten luncheon was promptly served at 1:00 pm at the main hall for all the clergy.
Afterward, a Clergy meeting was held in the KSS Room. The meeting was led by His Grace who called upon each dean to report on the the status of the parish life in their deaneries. Offering oral reports and observations were V. Rev. Protopresbyter-Stav- rophor Vasilije Cvijanovic of the San Francisco Deanery, V. Rev. Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Drag- omir Tuba of the Phoenix Deanery, V. Rev. Proto- presbyter-Stavrophor Bratislav Krsic of the Los An-
geles Deanery, Rev. Russell Radoicich of the Butte Deanery and Rev. Marko Bojovic of the Jackson Deanery. One observation offered by a number of the deans was the report of young people approach- ing and showing an interest in Orthodoxy. Overall, there was much good new to report from our dioc- esan parishes.
His Grace used this time to share with his clergy all the events which led up to the joyful news of the recognition by the Serbian Orthodox Church of the autocephaly of the Church in North Macedonia. Re- flections were also shared by clergy of the passing of His Eminence Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware). Rev. Panayiotis Tekosis in particular shared his experi- ence with the late metropolitan.
The clergy meeting was a time for the Diocesan clergy to address any concerns or problems they have in their local churches. Additionally, Stevan

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