Page 9 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 9

 the situation in the Dioceses of the Serbian Ortho- dox Church in the United States of America and the completion of the process of incorporating local di- ocesan and monastery corporations.
The Assembly analyzed the current state and problems of ecclesial education with special atten- tion, considering the position of religious education and the introduction of state graduation exams into the educational system of Serbia. Reports on the work of all educational institutions of the Serbian Church were heard during this discussion, and the Commission of the Holy Assembly of Bishops for the Advancement of Ecclesial Education was en- trusted with implementing the conclusions of this discussion. During this session, a report on the ac- tivities related to improving the teaching process and acquiring academic accreditation for the Saint Sava Orthodox School of Theology in Libertyville, USA, was attentively heard.
This year’s meeting of the Holy Assembly of Bish- ops took place in an atmosphere of common sadness and shock in our society due to the homicides of children and young people in Belgrade and Mlade- novac. On this occasion, the Assembly extends con- dolences to the parents of the deceased children, as well as their relatives and friends. Horrified by the eruption of evil in the space we considered the saf- est, and, on the other hand, inspired by the examples of martirial heroism of our children and their guard, as well as the Christian dignity of their parents and teachers, we pray to God of peace and purity to rest the souls of the victims, but also for the promotion
of debauchery and violence – transforming the souls of our children into fertile ground for the develop- ment of every evil – to cease in our society.
During its meeting, the Holy Assembly of Bish- ops listened in detail to the report on the state of the Church in Kosovo and Metohija, and, on that occa- sion, issued a special statement. The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, on this occasion as well, emphasizes that Kosovo and Meto- hija is a sacred Serbian land and an inalienable inte- gral part of Serbia, and that the self-proclaimed in- dependence of that province has no basis in law, ethics, or history (not to mention divine and human justice). If it were not so, unprecedented pressure from known centers of power would not have been exerted on Serbia to recognize the illegal and violent secession of this integral part of its territory and thus voluntarily renounce it forever. Therefore, the As- sembly appeals to the competent international insti- tutions for the protection of the holy places, people and property of the Orthodox Serbs in their centu- ries-old hearths; and also calls on Kosovo Albanians for coexistence in peace and mutual respect, follow- ing the Gospel calling of the Church to seek peace and to witness it to everyone, regardless of faith and nationality.
At the Assembly sessions, the consequences of the uncanonical activities of the Romanian Ortho- dox Church in the canonical territories of the Dio- ceses of Timok and Braničevo were discussed, as well as the state of our Church in the region and the world. The Assembly dedicated part of its attention

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