Page 12 - Peluncuran Program Zona Ramah Promosi Online
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Judul              :  BPOM unveils 'Online Promotion Friendly Zone' for drug MSEs
                Nama Media         :
                Tanggal            :  27 Mei 2022
                Halaman/URL        :
                Tipe Media         :  Media Online

                                                                             The  Food  and  Drug  Supervisory
                                                                            Agency  (BPOM)  has  unveiled  an
                                                                            ‘Online  Promotion  Friendly  Zone
                                                                            (ZRPO)’  for  micro  and  small
                                                                            enterprises  (MSEs)  for  promoting
                                                                            traditional  medicines  and  health

                                                                            ZRPO  aims  to  improve  enterprises'
                                                                            compliance  in  fulfilling  regulations
                                                                            on promoting traditional medicines
                                                                            and  health  supplements,  BPOM
                                                                            head Penny K. Lukito said after the
                                                                            zone’s  launch  at  Shangri-La  Hotel,
                                                                            here, on Friday.

                In addition, ZRPO seeks to protect the public from misleading promotions of traditional medicines and
                health supplements, she added.

                The program is being conducted in collaboration with eight online marketplaces and is supported by the
                Ministry of Communication and Informatics as well as the Indonesian e-Commerce Association (IdEA).

                The challenges of technological development and progress have continued to develop alongside the
                rising trend of products being distributed online.

                "BPOM has a mission to protect people from drug and food risk, including traditional medicine and health
                supplement products that do not adhere to the requirements and (are promoted through) misleading
                information," Lukito said.

                In  2021,  the  BPOM,  along  with  related  parties,  took  down  several  misleading  promotion  links  for
                products. At least 126,331 such links were taken down in the period from January to April 2022.
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