Page 51 - Dukungan BPOM Dalam Vaksinasi Massal Vaksin Inavac
P. 51

from COVID-19 vaccine products.

               Since the World Health Organization (WHO) revoked its global health emergency status as of May 5,
               2023, all countries in the world are preparing to respond to the policy by revoking the national COVID-
               19 emergency status, including in Indonesia.

               After the pandemic is declared over, continued Penny, the COVID-19 vaccine in circulation must be
               able to provide more complete and in-depth data related to security and effectiveness aspects to ensure
               public protection in the long term through the national immunization program.

               "Currently, the Indonesian government is considering input related to the revocation of national health
               emergency status. producers are still researching and monitoring vaccine products, so they get more
               data and submitted to BPOM to obtain regular distribution permits," he said.

               BPOM will open up opportunities for all vaccine manufacturers to increase their product permits to
               regular  for  12  months,  after  the  COVID-19  pandemic  emergency  status  in  Indonesia  is  declared
               complete by the government.

               "We give the transition time in endemic, the opportunity for the owner of the distribution permit to get
               longer  data.  We  have  prepared  a  minimum  time  of  one  year  to  get  a  regular  distribution  permit,
               meaning it is not an emergency permit anymore, but a regular permit," he concluded.
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