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401(k) Profit Sharing PlanRetirement Plan23401(k) Profit Sharing PlanArdena offers a 401(k) through Fidelity NetBenefits to enable eligible employees to save for retirement.The 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan allows eligible employees aged 18 and older to make pre-tax contributions to atraditional 401(k) or post-tax contributions to a Roth 401(k). Eligible employees may begin making deferralcontributions once they meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in the Summary Plan Description (SPD).Eligible employees will be automatically enrolled with a 4% employee deferral contribution, which will increase by 1%each year until it reaches 10%. Automatic enrollment will begin within 30 days of receiving the enrollment notice fromFidelity. Employees may modify their enrollment at any time by logging into their Fidelity account. If the automaticenrollment feature applies to you and you do not take action, you will be automatically enrolled. You will receive anotice with more details about the automatic enrollment process.You may contribute up to the lesser of 90% of eligible compensation or $23,000 in 2025. If you are projected to beage 50 or older by the end of the year, you may also make a catch-up contribution of up to $7,500 in 2025.Start early for greater impact. Starting today could give you significantly more at retirement than waiting fiveyears.Contribute as much as possible. The more you contribute, the closer you'll get to reaching your financial goals.Start with what you can afford. Choose an amount that feels comfortable%u2014there%u2019s flexibility to adjust it later. Thekey is to start now.Invest more, pay less in taxes. Pre-tax contributions reduce your taxable income, helping you lower current taxeswhile building your retirement savings.Access Your 401(k) Fidelity NetBenefits AccountRegister for a Fidelity NetBenefits%u00ae account at your identity (name, date of birth, social security number)Set up your username and create a password.If you are already a Fidelity customer, use your existing credentials.Select a security question.Once logged in, provide your email address and phone number.After you log in, you can update how much you want to set aside to save from your paycheck, makechanges to your investments and more.If you have questions or need help accessing your account, visit or call 1-800-835-5097.Best Practices for Retirement Planning: