P. 5
Present the Institutions approved Extension Manual
The crafting of the extension manual is an answer to one of the calls of times
as all these years. ISU has been doing well in its extension programs. ISU has
developed and adopted extension modalities and strategies that are functional and
relevant to local government units and poor rural communities. These strategies and
modalities are goaled at realizing communities improved capabilities to become self-
reliant and empowered individuals working towards development.
Contents of extension manual is in consonance with the existing extension
protocols contained in the mother RDET manual developed in 1999 and was revised
in March 2010 and is a dynamic compendium of extension approaches which is
shaped by the need of the time.
This extension manual is prepared to provide a blueprint needed as a guide to
all faculty- extensionists, researchers, students, and other stakeholders in delivering
extension services. It contains the extension agenda of the University, policies and
guidelines, extension projects and linkages.