Page 4 - Compliance Report_BPA AREA VI
P. 4
Compliance Report on the Survey
Team’s Recommendation
AACCUP Action/s taken Extent
Accreditation Recommendation of
4. Proper documentation of All extension activities 100%
extension activities and were properly
approaches may be documented.
5. The extension activities of Proper monitoring and 90%
the college may be evaluation of extension
monitored and evaluated activities were employed
periodically to provide to ensure their
timely and adequate effectiveness.
feedbacks for planning, and
determining its
effectiveness and impact on
the target clientele.
6. The conduct of extension Systematic conduct of 90%
activities should be more extension activities was
systematic starting from employed.
needs assessment to impact
7. The extension unit of the The Institute was able to
college should look for more establish robust 100%
linkages that can provide partnership with various
financial assistance to government agencies and
sustain its extension civil society organizations
service. that includes provision of
financial assistance for
extension services.