Page 8 - Compliance Report_BPA AREA VI
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Sanguniang Kabataan Mandatory Training (SKMT)

     Program  Objectives    Specific    Strategy of  Location/   No. of   Project   Funding   Collaborating
                        Project/Activity Implementatio  Site  Clientele Implementer/   Source   Agencies
                                            n                              s

   Sanguniang The       The University  To attain the  2nd, 3rd, On the   ISU-IPAG  LGUs     ISU, DILG, NYC,
   Kabataan   conduct  through the    training goals, and 4th  whole, a  Project Mgt:        PYDO
   Mandatory  of        Institute of   a training   districts  total of   Dr. Ricmar P.      and LGUs
   Training   Mandator Public         design was   of Isabela4,811 SK Aquino
   (SKMT) in  y Training Administration  designed by        officials  Asst PM :
   the        for SK    and           the National          were able Atty. Romano
   province of officials is Governance, in Youth            to attend  Cammayo
   Isabela    mandate  partnership    Commission            the      Training Mgr:
              d by      with the      (NYC) and the         mandator Dr. Joan
              Republic  Department of  Department of        y training  Carinugan
              Act No    the Interior and the Interior       and      Asst TM: Prof.
              10742 or Local          and Local             successful Ma.Rita
              The SK    Government,  Government.            l y took   Reario Cluster
              Reform    conducted the  The ISU              their oath Leaders: Prof.
              Act. It is a  Mandatory   Project Team        on the   Jennifer
              requiremetraining for   as a service          scheduled Villanueva
              nt so that  elected SK   provider was         date set  Prof. Narsal
              SK officials Officials from  composed of      by the   Foronda, Prof.
              may be    May 16-23,    Project               team.    Julie Espinosa
              allowed to 2018.        Manager,
              assume    Resource      Assistant
              office and Persons      Project
              to ensure  composed of   Manager,
              that the  ISU Faculty and Training
              youth will students (BPA,  Manager,
                        MPA & DPA),   Assistant
                        DILG Officials,  Training
                        LYDOs, and    Manager,
                        LGU           District Team
                        functionaries,  Leaders, and
                        who have the  Project Staff.
                        relevant      To ensure
                        competence    effective
                        were tapped as implementatio
                        resource      n, the team
                        persons and   was
                        facilitators.  provided with
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