Page 12 - Compliance Report_BPA AREA VI
P. 12

Capability Development Program for the Barangay

                                     Officials of Adopted Barangays

       Program   Objectives   Specific    Strategy of   Location/   No. of   Project  Funding  Collaborating
                            Project/Activit Implementatio  Site  Clientele Implementer/   Source  Agencies
                                 y            n                               s

     Capability   The program Upon      A needs       Barangay  Target is 30  ISU-IPAG  ISU    ISU & GK
     Developmen was        consultation   assessment was East,   per
     t Program for conceptualiz with the   done by the   Barangay  adopted
     the Barangay e d to   officials of the 3 team by asking  West and  barangay,
     Officials of  strengthen  adopted   the Barangay   Dammang which
     Adopted    the        barangays, the  officials about    means
     Barangays of leadership  following were  their CB needs.  30 x 3 = 90
     ISU Echague, capacity of  identified:
     Isabela    the adopted
                barangays,  -Livelihood
                make them  Training
                empowered  -Disaster Risk
                entities as   Reduction and
                they are   Management
                primarily   -COVID 19
                responsible  Prevention and
                for meeting  Mitigation
                the needs of
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