Page 10 - Compliance Report_BPA AREA VI
P. 10

Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS) Project


      Program  Objective s    Specific      Strategy of   Location/   No. of   Project   Funding  Collaborating
                          Project/Activity  Implementation  Site   Clientele Implementer/ s Source  Agencies

   LGU         This     The Project Team  Before the    Delfin    150       ISU –       DILG    ISU, DILG,
   Capacity    project  conducts the     survey started,  Albano;  constituenconducts CSIS and LGU and LGU
   Building:   aims to  survey together   preliminary   Tumauini; t s as    implementati
   Conduct of  enhance  with PA student   activities were  Santiago  respondeno n
   CSIS in     communi field interviewers  conducted such City;   t s plus   DILG –
   various local  ty    which cover the   as            Echague;  LGU       facilitator/coo
   government  develop  following activities:MOA Signing   San    officials   r dinator
   units       ment     Survey (data     between ISU,   Mateo;    per LGU
               towards  gathering)       DILG, and LGU Ilagan
               the      Data Processing  Orientation with City;
               improve  Report Writing   LGU Officials   Cauayn
               ment of  Utilization      composed of    City;
               local    Conference where  Mayor, Vice   Ivana,
               governm  results are      Mayor, SB, Dept Batanes
               ent      presented to LGU  Heads, and Brgy
               services. Officials       Captains
                        Conduct of       LGU provides
                        meeting for the   BASELINE
                        preparation of   DATA which
                        Citizens’ Priority   served as a
                        Action Plan (Plan) –starting point
                        this serves as a   for comparison
                        reference of the   and analysis and
                        LGU in improving  provided
                        its service delivery context on what
                                         services were
                                         provided by the
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