Page 15 - Compliance Report_BPA AREA VI
P. 15
Seminar on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
and COVID-19 Prevention Protocol
Program Objectives Specific Strategy of Location/ No. of Project Funding Collaborating
Project/Activit Implementatio Site Clientele Implementer/ Source Agencies
y n s
Seminar on As a result of Conduct the To conduct the Barangay 45 ISU-IPAG ISU ISU, LGU-
Disaster Risk the needs seminar on seminar East, Barangay Echague
Reduction assessment Disaster Risk competent Barangay Officials Donations MDRRMO
and conducted, Reduction and speakers were West and and and RHU
Managemen the program Management invited from the Dammangresidents
t and COVID- was and COVID-19 LGU – Echague
19 conceptualiz Prevention MDRRMO and 4Ps
Prevention e d to help Protocol RHU beneficiari
Protocol the 3 es
identified Distribute DPA students
barangays hygiene kits initiated
achieve donation drive
safer, activity. The
adaptive and Hygiene kits pooled funds
resilient were used to
community purchase
towards hygiene kits
sustainable that will be
development distributed to